MGCX Advisors

Masters in the Art and Science of Customer Experience

We believe a solid Customer Experience strategy is the fuel that grows forward thinking, fast-growing companies. It provides a differentiating competitive edge that not only drives innovation, sales, and profitability, but also defines the character of the organization.

We embed Customer Experience solutions into the company culture, so it’s scalable and lasting. Our clients reap the benefits from a well-developed and executed strategy that puts customers at the center of the growth and profitability engine: stronger customer engagement, increased customer spend, positive word-of-mouth, and higher customer retention. 

At Melinda Gonzalez Advisors, we help our clients become companies that customers love — forever.

Our Unique Approach

When done right, a customer experience is intentionally designed using a cross-section of many disciplines that span what we consider as both science and art including design thinking, persona and market research, psychology, human centered service design and many other disciplines. It also allows for fun and creativity. The powerful intersection of these worlds is why we’re so drawn to this work. 

There are four cornerstones of our consulting that consistently results in success for our clients. 

We bring a breadth of expertise to all of our engagements – meeting our clients where they are and accelerating at their desired pace.

We partner with our clients, working “in the trenches” along side their teams to implement strategies that get results.

Our solutions are designed to embed seamlessly into the business to ensure long-term adoption and sustainability.

With a commitment to delivering impactful results, we provide critical coaching and guidance to ensure solution grow and evolve as the business does.


Flexible engagement models

Because we work with customers of all sizes, in many different industries, who serve many different markets, we strive to be flexible in how we structure our engagements. Depending on needs, our engagements may fall into one of three categories: 

  • Project engagements are best suited for discrete, known quantities of work. Journey mapping projects are an example of what may fall into this type of engagement.

  • Fractional leadership engagements are best suited for clients who require a deeper hands-on support within the organization. In this capacity, we operate as an embedded member of your team, functioning as part of the business. Interim Customer Success leadership in support of a talent search is an example of what may fall into this type of engagement. 

  • Advisory engagements are best suited for companies who have leadership or management resources in place and are looking to support key talent or up-level their Customer Experience or Success strategy or operations. Coaching & mentorship are an example of what may fall into this type of engagement.